Sunday, May 18, 2008


One thing Kiersten has always wanted to do is Xterra so she signed up for the first one of the season... which started sort of inauspiciously!

We were told the start was at 8:30 but for some reason at 8:20 the gun went off and Kiersten was still on shore with only her wetsuit bottom on! She struggled to get the top on, ran down to the water and got in about 100 meters behind the pack (the picture compresses the depth-of-field)... and the swim was only 750 meters so she had a lot to make up in a short time!

Amazingly, by the end of the swim she had caught and passed about 1/3 of the swimmers! Swimming had once been her worst of the three disciplines and although it's not a strength now, it's no longer a weakness.

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