Friday, January 27, 2006


Champagne (or Gold, or Tan, or Sand or whatever Chevrolet calls that color) Suburbans... geez, how many of these things are out there?! They're not just the Junior-League and Soccer-Mom official vehicles, it seems like everyone has one here. Today I called a friend of mine to get back my bike workstand and he told me to go to the YMCA parking lot at noon and he'd leave the car unlocked. Well... the parking lot isn't very big and wouldn't you know that there were eight of the damn things there... it took me ten minutes to find which one was his! My sister has four boys so she has one out of necessity, but it's white and she puts black magnetic cow-spots (for lack of a better term) all over it and it looks like a huge cow... now that's cool ;-) Posted by Picasa

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