Sunday, August 03, 2008


Kiersten's friend Erika is preparing for a kids triathlon next weekend so Kiersten and Kees rode with her on the bike course for a fun/training pre-ride. After riding the course a couple of times we got back on the hike-bike trail at the university and headed back to the cars when Kees crashed. He was sitting up and stretching his back when his bike wandered to the left and slipped off the trail. We were probably only going 12-15 mph but when his bike got off the trail it hit something and stopped immediately and he hit the ground pretty hard.

For a few minutes he was pretty composed but when the adrenaline wore off and he started feeling the pain of the wounds and saw the blood pouring out he lost it! After he settled down, though, he thought it was so cool that he had crashed and had "road rash" and wandered if he could get stitches!!

He got two deep cuts on his elbow and hamburgered up his knee pretty badly since he fell onto really rough chip seal. He also got scrapes and bruises on his other knee, his chest and his hands. I can't imagine what his hands would have looked like without gloves!

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