Monday, December 04, 2006

On Any Sunday

Kiersten was sick at home and was channel surfing and found the movie On Any Sunday.

It's a documentary film about Motorcycle sport, directed by Bruce Brown. It was nominated for a Best Documentary Feature Oscar in 1972. This documentary follows the lives of motorcycle racers and racing enthusiasts. First asking the question "Why do they do it?" this film looks at the people who devote (and sometimes risk) their lives to racing on tracks and off-road courses around the world. Steve McQueen is featured in the film, along with Mert Lawwill, Malcolm Smith and many other motorcycle racers from the late 1960s and early 1970s.

Anyway... I thought it was so cool when I was around 12 and it came out, and who would know, 35 years later, that my 12-year old would want to watch it and think it was cool. Posted by Picasa

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